Career Opportunities

Kansas Strong is dedicated to connecting people with positions in the industry. We have partnered with Kansas Workforce Alliance to connect potential employees with employment opportunities in the industry. Below you will find links to post jobs, apply for a job and see what jobs are currently available in the industry. If you have questions, or would like to ask questions before you submit a job, please email Warren Martin.

Are You Looking For a Job?

While we do not have a complete listing of the jobs available in the industry, you can click the link below to see what jobs we know of that are currently available.

Submit Your Resume

Kansas Strong strives to post all jobs related to the oil & gas industry for which you can apply. However, we do not process resumes or list potential employees. As we share all our job postings with Kansas Workforce Alliance, you can utilize the button below to go to submit your resume through them for potential employment.

Are You Looking for Employees?

Kansas Strong only lists jobs related to the oil and gas industry. Please utilize the link below to submit your job post. We will post that job on our website and forward your information to Kansas Workforce Alliance to maximize the reach and impact of your post. If you have a job that is not related to the oil and gas industry, please connect with Kansas Workforce Alliance directly.

Submit a Job

Kansas Strong
100 S. Main
Suite 120
Wichita, Kansas 67202
P: 316-771-7167

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